
A late 20th-century style and concept in the arts, architecture, and criticism, which represents a departure from modernism and is characterized by the self-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions, a mixing of different artistic styles and media, and a general distrust of theories.

Some of the most influential artists in Postmodernism include Andy Warhol, Carolee Schneemann, Maria Abramovic, Barbara Kruger, Cindy Sherman, Jeff Koons, and Damien Hirst.

Forming in the middle of the 20th century, Postmodern art was said to burst onto the artistic scene sometime between the 1960s and 1970s. This movement replaced Modernism as the primary artistic style at the time, and was viewed as a form of art with no standard guidelines that dictated the practice. Postmodern art stretched over two decades, coming to an end in around the 1990s when other artistic styles that had borrowed characteristics from Postmodernism began to develop.

Swiss Style & New wave



Swiss Style, which was also known as International Type Style less so, emerged in the early 1920s and was focused around key areas such as a mathematical grid. These grids were considered to be the “most legible and harmonious means for structuring information.”It was also focused around Asymmetric layouts, Sans-serif typography and Precision Geometric, In addition to this Swiss Style usually involved the favouring of photography over illustrations for it designs. New Wave This new style of typography is the stylistic movement where graphic designers moved away from the International Style. Focusing more on playfulness than the grid, these ‘New Wave’ typographers pathed the way for future designers to explore graphic design. The style itself actively defies the strict grid-based arrangement conventions of the ‘Swiss typography’. Characteristics of this new style include all the aspects that Wolfgang taught his students to experiment with, including; inconsistent letter spacing, varying type weights within single words and type set at non-right angles.

Wolfgang weingart



Wolfgang Weingart was an internationally known graphic designer and typographer. His work was categorized as Swiss typography and he was credited as "the father" of New Wave or Swiss Punk typography

Post-modernism was a reaction against modernism.

While modernism was based on idealism and reason, postmodernism was born of scepticism and a suspicion of reason. It challenged the notion that there are universal certainties or truths. Postmodern art drew on philosophy of the mid to late twentieth century, and advocated that individual experience and interpretation of our experience was more concrete than abstract principles. While the modernists championed clarity and simplicity; postmodernism embraced complex and often contradictory layers of meaning.

David Carson