Going over additional HMTL functions that we can add to our site such as tables and Images

<table> table obviously….

<caption> caption our table

<th> table head

<tr> table row

<td> table data



Created a table for our Baskerville page. However this only shows in unformatted HTML so we need CSS to change it into a more presentable format that can be read and is visually appealing.



With some basic CSS were able to make the table much more presentable and also fit with the design and colour scheme of the rest of the page.

<br> break in the text , ie return

<hr> horizontal rule , adds a rule along text

Adding Images

The images need to be optimized and also in the correct dimensions that will suit the page and will load quickly. For example a RAW maybe 12MB whilst PNG could be 5MB and a JPG could be 2.5MB.