What is Modernism?

Modernism is a cultural movement that occurred in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and was characterized by a break with traditional forms and the use of new, innovative styles and techniques. Use systematic methods rather than intuitive ones , Think about relationships in form and content



Form follows function

Artists to look at this week: Alexey Brodovitch , Herbert Matter , Paul Raand , Alvin Lustig , Milton Glaston , Jan Tschichold.

Jan Tschichold


Jan Tschichold was a german typographer and graphic designer in the 20th century. he's known for his contributions to modernist design and his pioneering work in typography. Tschichold was a leading figure in the development of the sans-serif typeface and he was an influential advocate for the use of simple, clean design.

He did alot of work for the Penguin books in redesigning them with modernism. He used alignment and better spacing aswell as using fonts such as gill sans for the front cover



Cultural shift to the USA

717 Artists ,380 Architects ,100 Graphic Designers Left Nazi Germany for the US as all design was regulated under Nazi control and ideology. They went to the Bauhaus in the US where they heavily influenced work and design.

The Ulm school of design (Hochschule für Gestaltung HfG Ulm)

The Ulm School of Design was a school in Ulm, Germany that was active in the 1950s and 1960s. It was known for its focus on functional, user-centered design and its interdisciplinary approach to design education. The school was founded by a group of designers and educators, including Otl Aicher, and it was influenced by the Bauhaus tradition. The Ulm School of Design had a significant influence on the development of modernist design. The school then closed in 1968.