We started off going over basic colour theory ( Complementary , primary , secondary colours etc) as well as how colours express content with different emotions/feelings.

ixd101 P1.png

ixd101 P2.png




I created 3 different colour boards using Figma and got the colours on Adobe color with one being Monochromatic , Analogous and Complementary. (https://color.adobe.com/create/color-wheel)


Colour Blindness

Using (https://www.toptal.com/designers/colorfilter) we changed a few of our regular websites into different colour-blind filters ,Protanopia , Deuteranopia , Tritanopia and Greyscale/achromatopsia. I seen how some brands and webpages completely lost there identity, theme and found way harder to navigate the sight.

Colour Blind Steam.PNG

Colour Blind Youtube.PNG

Colour Blind Outlook.PNG

Accessibility & Colour

Looking at common websites on (https://webaim.org/) to see how they compare with guidelines on accessibility in relation to saturation , contrast and font size etc.

Accessibility Colour.PNG

Using Colours on YouTube & Ulster University Portal to see if it passes the standards set for contrast for Accessibility.

Accessibility Colour UU.PNG

Colour psychology

Looking at colours in relation to feelings and emotions and how companies use them to retain customer expectation , customer preferences , brand message , competitor colours and consistency.

We also looked at The Pink & Blue Project (https://www.itsnicethat.com/features/jeongmee-yoon-the-pink-and-blue-project-photography-040319) and the affects of children growing up with mainly different colours and how that would affect there choices and later development.

Material Colour