Gutenberg & Beyond

For week 2 we will be looking at the following sections in the lecture:

Type Is the Clothing For Words - Erik Spiekermann

We started to look at some basic fonts such as Comic sans and Baskerville. This is showing the relationship with fonts and how each font style portrays itself . While comic sans is a laid back , bubbly font for less serious matters. Baskerville can be seen as more professional and have a serious meaning/ more business like.



The Discovery of Printing

The printing press allowed for the mass production of uniform printed matter, mainly text in the form of books and newspapers. It was created in China, the printing press revolutionized society there before being further developed in Europe in the 15th Century by Johannes Gutenberg and his invention of the Gutenberg press.



Gutenberg's printing press was first used to print the Bible, which became known as the Gutenberg Bible. This Bible was one of the first books to be printed using movable type and was an important step in the development of the printing industry. Gutenberg's work had a significant impact on the spread of knowledge and ideas, as it made it possible to produce and distribute books more widely and efficiently.

Gutenberg died in 1468, leaving a legacy that has had a lasting impact on the world of printing and the dissemination of knowledge.

The meanings behind uppercase and lowercase text was that the uppercase text were literally kept on the upper half of the shelf therefore giving its nickname, this is likewise for the lowercase
