Golden Ratio

We started to look at the golden ratio which isa special number that is found in many different things in nature and art. It is a ratio of about 1 to 1.6, which means that if you divide something into two parts, one part is about 1.6 times bigger than the other part. The golden ratio is sometimes called the "perfect" ratio because things that are made using the golden ratio are often seen as being very pleasing to the eye. Artists and architects often use the golden ratio to make their work look more beautiful.



Create 2 points , 3 lines and 5 planes using the golden ratio. Sketch first then create in figma



Why use the golden ratio?

Seen in Apple and Twitter Logos



visual scale calculator to help with designs

Using the golden ratio and type scale on a famous quote


Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is a principle of photography that an image is more balanced and pleasing to the eye if you divide it into nine equal parts, using two equally-spaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical lines. The idea is to place the important elements of the image along these lines, or at the intersections of them. The rule of thirds helps create interest and balance in an image, and it is often used to guide the composition of a photograph or artwork.



Looking at Gestalt Principles

Gestalt principles are a set of guidelines for understanding how the human brain processes visual information.

Using the Fibonacci sequence as the basis for your layout create three thumbnails in Figma using nothing but planes.

Fibonacci Layout