Deliverables for Semester

1st Section - Illustrative - Icons and Music app (30%)

2nd Section - Diagrammatic - A week in the life dashboard (30%)

3rd Section - Notion Research (40%)

A picture is worth a thousand words

Images can tell stories and create new narratives as well by changing certain images and also how this can be used to mislead people as it allows image combinations to tell untrue or fake stories.




We looked at diagrams and there goal of being very easily understood by all , information is digestible and also being visually appealing. We looked at diagrams such as the ones created in the Feltron reports. I also looked at data Misrepresentation as well and how as designers we have the power to create certain aspects , statistics or details much more important such as the examples below that show how easy it is.



Feltron Reports

I looked further into the Feltron Reports which are a set of annual reports created by Nicholas Felton that visualizes personal data such as daily activities, communication, and travel. The reports displays all this data in a understandable and interesting way through unique and experimental data visualization techniques.

Feltron Report Olga.jpg

Feltron Report NYC.jpg

Feltron Report Cycles.jpg

Feltron Report Cycles 1.jpg

One of the Feltron Reports I decided to look at was BikeCycles where Nicholas decided to look at cycling data within the city of New York using New York City bikes to track and gather all the data. The data spans over the whole year of 2014 and can been seen animated through another timeline on the webpage. There are 5 different pages created with this report. It contains information such as average age , distance covered , speed , % of subscribers. This is by far one of my favourite reports he has created as the data visualization for such mundane data has been presented so well and also very understandable and easy to digest.
